-I like extreme goddy holiday decorations
-I mainly look like my dad, but have resembled my grandma "Nonie", my mom's facial expressions and mannerisms, even a couple of my aunts on my dad's side! But I am basically a female version of my dad.....
-my pet peeve would be people being late....I myself am never late to anything, my grandpa told me this "if you are on time, you are late....if you are early, you are on time...
-I also don't like stinky people, now those who are physically unable to bathe themselves and need care from others that's one thing, but if you are able to bathe, then please, do it! it can take less than 5 minutes!
-my seven deadly sins: cats, chocolate, shoes, purses, pillows, fabric, and fettucine alfredo!!
-the best colors that look good on me....black (of course! it slenderizes), pinks of all shades, plum, tan, yellow, and blue
-I look horrible in red, orange, coral, brown, pastels, and for some reason, white...
-when I was 21 I went through a short hair phase and got my hair all chopped off, the longest part was about 2 inches! wow! and for it to grow out to just below my shoulders took about 2 years when I turned 23! (my hair grows super slow)
-the farthest I traveled was down to McAllen, TX (the southern most tip) to see a friend during spring break back in 2003
-I have lived in 3 towns within 2 states.
-My sewing machine has some mileage on it! I have made/sold just shy of 1,000 pillows!!!! (959 to be exact!)
-My last job I had (until doing the minxden full time) was at Claire's as a sales associate full time. I quit just before moving to Nebraska.
-My worst job I have ever had, and the only job I was fired at was work at vitamin store when i was 19 on summer break from college....i worked there for only 3 weeks, and was fired because my schedule was changed to an opening shift without letting me know, and of course I didnt show up for work and the store was not opened, so I took the heat instead of my irresponsible boss...oh well, right?
-my best job of course was/still is my minxden job!!
-I once volunteered at a cat shelter in a small town just outside of Manhattan, KS! it was great to hang out with all of those cats, I would lay on the floor of this ladies basement, and they climb all over ya! I even played with a litter of 15 small kittens all at once! that was gnarly, and therapeutic i must say!
-I generally dont like to cook, but i love to bake!
Another fun read...my daughter is the female version of my husband. I see none of myself in there- it's kind of odd. But cool. For him...having a mini-me, lol!
some daughters do resemble their fathers, like my dad is real handsome and of course masculine looking, but when I was made, I got almost all of his features but they were feminized...lol i guess if one wanted to know what my dad would of looked like as a girl, they just have to look at me! but i got my mom's chin, and some facial expressions look just like my mom or grandma...it's so interesting how genetics are selected for each person when they are made! each of us are very unique!!
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