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Monday, December 29, 2008

My New Business Partner...

I'd like you all to meet my new helping "Trudy"...(yes, I'm a dork, I named my sewing machine) My dad always told me, to treat your machinery with the upmost respect and patience and they will work well for you...In the spand of 5 hours, I made 8 throw pillows with her help, it would of taken me 5 hours to hand stitch just one pillow! They sure come in handy!


Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

I love Trudy. What a wonderful gift from your Mom. I also love the pillows you are making. I've checked them out on your etsy site. They are perfect for that splash of color anywhere. You have a great imagination.

A bird in the hand said...

Now you're all set. I love my sewing machine, although it has no name. You'll want to sew everything now, if you're like me!!

Diane@Diane's Place said...

I got a new sewing machine in October and still haven't even threaded it, much less sewed anything with it.

Good for you, Pood. I hope you and Trudy have a long and happy life together. ;o)

Hope you have a happy, prosperous and blessed New Year, my friend.



Super Step-Mom said...

I am S-O jealous, love, love, love the gift! I know you will have mad sewing skills and totally make some neet-O things!

kansasrose said...

:D beaming.~~~~~~~~~~beams of love to you! Go TRUDY GO! In your hands she will rock out the thread and fibers.

amelia said...

I have always wished I could sew and I'm so jealous of you because you can!!!!

I can knit but sewing goes so much faster than knitting!!!