Ice...Sleet...Freezing Rain...Everything but the snow. It was a challenge driving home from work this evening, but I made it in one piece. My cats were sure glad to see me as they swamped me right when I entered through the front door. I was finally able to go to the post office today and mail off 2 packages...I know that I am not in the mood to work on more birds tonight, my left wrist hurts bad from overworking it on all of my previous birdies, and I think I will give my tired hands a couple days before I make new birds. I am lucky enough to post 3 new ones in the last 2 days...I think the Christmas stress is finally getting to me, when I'm at work, many grumpy people shop and take their bad days out on me and my co-workers, and I never expected my etsy shop to take off like it has and keeping up with one's online shop takes so much hard work and alot of time.
My dad traveled about 2500 miles all over the nation, and it worried me, but he is home safe and sound...One car between my hubby and I is very stressful, (my jeep is on "el-fritzo") I'm still not done with my Xmas shopping, my 30-day work elavuation is almost here (Dec. 19th) HOLY CRAP!!! THAT'S TOMORROW! AHHHHHH!!!! And Christmas is a little hard for me because almost 2 years ago, my paternal grandfather passed away on January 2nd, right after Xmas, and it just feels weird that he's not here and I'm a little sad, it hit me like this exactly the same time last year, and I feel it again now, but gratefully not as bad...I guess time just heals. I always love Xmas, but it bites me back at the same time...and my stress level goes up every time in December, it never fails...How about any of you all?
When I was your age the stress was awful but now I'm retired there's very little because now I have time..
Try not to be too stressed, Christmas will come and go whether or not everything is perfect and you will all have fun regardless.
I probably won't even be with my hubby if my daughter in law goes into labour. He'll have to stay here with the dogs and I'll head down there!
Tomorrow, Dec. 19th is the 4th anniversary of my Daddy's death. We buried him on the 22nd so that was a really hard Christmas. Mama died the next April, less than 4 months after Daddy died. Christmas 2005 was even harder, but every Christmas season it gets a little easier to bear.
I still miss them more than I can express, but having Emmy to love on and wanting to make Christmas magical and special for her helps us bear our grief, plus we still have all our happy memories of Christmases past and new memories to make with my family and sweet Emmy.
I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress so much, especially over things that are out of your control. Try to enjoy the moments and don't worry about the grand scheme. Christmas will take care of itself, you'll see. :o)
Merry Christmas and I hope you get a stupendous job review!
Much love,
I miss my gramma and it has been over 10 years now.
Retail is hard, but you'll be FINE on your review.
Be safe in the weather and don't take any chances.
Auntie Kim
Hi Lauren: I lost my mother last January so this is my first Christmas without her. She was ill for many years and I am accustomed to always worrying about her so this year, there is an odd void for me. I decided this year that I would not allow the Christmas stress of other people to get to me. I only shopped for the grandkids and am keeping everything low key. I am trying everyday to approach life with a posture of gratitude for all that I have so that my perspective is not clouded. Retail is tough. I did it when I was young and it is grueling. I'm sure your review will be fine. Let us all know. Hugs and kisses.
My Grandparents, who were my only "safe place", both died 22 years ago in a car accident... Christmas has NEVER been the same...
I have to admit, I don't get too stressed at Christmas, until it comes to the "family squabbles" on Christmas day... my mom gets offended easily, and throws little tantrums, and I always just hope to get through that day and get it over with... *sigh*
The fact that I hate shopping doesn't help this time of year, either, but I just don't let it stress me out.
Honey, just remember what papa would say..."don't sweat the small stuff". We were BORN for stress babe! Take it a moment at a time. (((Breathe.)))) Christmases will come and go. Enjoy the LOVE. Enjoy LIFE and LIVING! Enjoy the family and friends. It's all that one another. xxxooo
Xmas=CHRISTmas. ( just a bug in my ear) LOve this photo of your 'egg' Christmas tree. You are SOOOOO clever and creative. :) :) :D
ps. Have you installed your site tracker? Have J. help... It would be fun to see who is reading your blog wouldn't it?;)
ps I have a hunch you have a lot of lurkers...
I want to know what a site tracker is. Lauren, tell me please.
You know what I would say about stress: pull back, and rest even if it's for a few minutes at a time. Love to you, my Wren. xoxo
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