My Blog List

Monday, November 10, 2008

Xmas Spirit

Here is my snowman ornament, also on sale on my etsy site, real cute on any tree!


kansasrose said...

I heart this snowdude hon! Soooo cute. Makes Frosty look like a wimp###! {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}

Minx's Den said...

You know I gave an exact replica of one to you last year for xmas! do you still have it?

A bird in the hand said...

Very cute! xoxo

A bird in the hand said...

P.S. Put a link to your Etsy shop on your blog!!!!

kansasrose said...

OF coarse I have it dear! In a very safe place. I love it.:)

Minx's Den said...

Yay mom! I thought you kept that snowman ornament safe...

kansasrose said...

POOD..heed the words of the wise Colette and get that ETSY LINK UP! BIG AND BOLD SIGNS>. a shameless etsy hustler. It's $$$$$ Think ADVERTISE! THINK NEON>> NETWORK! spread the minxden MOJO on the net babe! GET THE WORD OUT. a sinful self- promoting Americanwoman. I KNOW it hurts our midwest reserve/modesty but after awhile it gets easy and FEELS GOOD when the sales come. HEY! a gal's gottA DO WHAT A GAL'S GOTTA DO, RIGHT? ;) Remember the movie Field Of Dreams? Build it and THEY WILL COME! "build" your MINXDEN brand. loveya. Ma-R.

kansasrose said...

can i be an obsessed fan? PLEEEEZE? :D