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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Starting To Feel Christmas

Tiny Little snowflakes are falling outside, like the heavens are sprinkling powdered sugar onto Lincoln, NE. I love it!! my tree has been up for about 2 weeks now, my whole house is decorated for xmas, I have already watched the old movie rudolph the red nosed reindeer like 3 times, I reckon it will be watched many more times. Expecting company this week, some in-laws are dropping by for thanksgiving, I am trying on keeping my house perfect this whole week cause I tend to get slightly messy. My hubby and I will be making multiple trips to the grocery store this week also, got our turkey this morning, it's big! costs a fortune too since the hubby and I are trying to eat organic free range produce!
It's very quiet here in my old 110 year old house, most old houses make funny noises, but mine does not. It did have an energy efficient furnace put in about 3 years ago, it's whisper quiet! my house doesnt even smell old come to think of it! it smells of lavender, pine, and a hint of vanilla. My 2 cats enjoy the house though, I sense they feel at home here, they are so easy care free now have lived in this house for almost 13 months. Got lots to do though, better get started while I have the late afternoon energy! Have a blessed Sunday my readers!

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