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Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Mother, My Friend

The best looking mother of the bride ever! there's me and my mom June 6, 2008 on my wedding day...

Mom, material gifts may be fun to get on birthdays, but words are the most precious gifts of all...I love you mom, you are my angel, my warrior, my family, my friend, my inspiration, my role model, and my hero. You are what they would describe as the true definition of "mother" in the love me, you sacrifice for me, you hurt for me, you know every wound, every memory, every strength, and weakness...we may have had our mother daughter battles, and our mother daughter triumphs. as the years go by, I can see us only becoming closer and closer, I understand why you did what you did raising me, and I only hope that I can be even half the mother you are with my own children someday. It's not just birthdays and mothers days, I recognize this every day of my life...I love you mommy, and I hope today is a lovely day for you, of course I will give you a call, and convey my wishes...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


amelia said...

What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful mother!! Made me cry jst reading it so I bet it made your mum cry too!!

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Aww, I always love the words more than the cards and gifts. I've always told Jessica that I'd rather have a handwritten letter from her than the most beautiful card - though I don't turn the cards and gifts down, LOL! ;o)

Happy Birthday, dear Jenny. Hope it's a great one for you.

Love and hugs,


susie said...

What a lovely tribute to your mom! The pillow is beautiful.

kansasrose said...

tears...:) Thank you dear. I've been so very blessed to be mom to you and your sister.

A bird in the hand said...

Happy Easter....I thought of you lastnight, when the mayor of Lawrence appeared on the Colbert Report. ;) xxoox