Newest merchandise in my shop, sales have been very good, now at 239 as of this morning! (15 sales yesterday)
Had to throw in a pic of my new shop profile pic, me in my goofy my little pony bow, was a hair bow, but converted it into a "brooch" if you will...this is my Easter portrait too...
The last of the minxden pillows I decided to adopt into my own house hold...
But I see they are being put to good use as my hubby sleeps on them for napping adorable is that man of mine? I love watching him sleep.
Whoops, I awoke the mister....ummmm....hey baby, don't mind the camera! Now you can tell this is a married man, nestled in flowery girly sheets, blankies, and chic pillows...nothing sexier than seeing a married man just waking up snuggled in flowered linens, this should totally be in a magazine! Every wife, loves seeing their hubby's feminine sides, my husband is a 350 lbs. 6 foot 4 inch manly farm man raised on steak and potatoes and green beans, but this is a rare sight only I usually see, my big giant teddy bear man, who doesn't mind my extreme girly taste in home decor...he did marry a girly girl after all, which reminds me, our 4 year anniversary is coming up in about 6 weeks! wow! already!
It didn't matter anyway, cause there was another family member in our bed, my Ci-Ci.
Here's Ashes, the old lady kitty doing what she does best... "MEOW-OW-OW!" human translation..."Dad! wake up already! it's time for my afternoon snack!"
What a sleepy kitty I have! geeze, go back to bed then won't cha? (if you are wondering where my third furrbaby, Sabrina is, she was spending her "timeout" in the laundry room for being a naughty kitty earlier.
Well, the huge storm system had come and gone, a tornado went through my town, really scary, but luckily my house is fine, no major damage anywhere that I see this morning, And of course, me and my little family humans and felines both are safe and not injured. That being said, this would be the 2nd night in a row severe weather struck my little town and kept me awake most of the night, so I can see a Sunday's afternoon nap in order. Ci-Ci is already crashed on my flowery upholstered chair, dead to the world, Ashes snoozing comfortably on the back of my desk chair watching me with squinted eyes as I type, Sabrina licking her paw, my hubby wearily driving to work this morning (forgetting his sack lunch), and I am hungry like you wouldn't believe, since I only ate a few bites of food yesterday due to nerves of the tornado outbreak, so it's now time to nourish my weary body with a good hearty breakfast, but I am thinking I won't eat a typical breakfast....I am thinking, something weird! mmmm...haha! have a blessed Sunday, I won't be blogging again for at least a week, since I will be going back to my childhood hometown in Kansas to see family and just relax and breathe!